It was a very cold morning when the puppy was born. Autumn was just around the corner and most of the dogs liked to linger in their warm beds early in the morning. So, it was a surprise that one of the dogs was still outside when staff member Sophia arrived to feed them breakfast. 

She could not see Nele, a recently rescued terrier mix, who typically would greet the staff with loud barks when it was time to eat. Suddenly, Nele poked her head through the doggie door, seemingly distressed and immediately retreated back outside. Sophia went to investigate what was going on and was greeted by the shrill whimpers of a tiny, newborn pup. 

Nele’s puppy was dangerously cold. Nele had dragged him from her warm indoor bedroom, outside onto the frigid concrete. Another staff member, Maia, jumped into action. A seasoned animal caregiver, Maia unabashedly put the tiny pup under her shirt to use direct contact with her warm skin to bring his body temperature up quickly. 

The first few weeks of a puppy’s life are perilous – they are very vulnerable to illness. To make things more difficult for this pup, Nele was proving to be a very fickle mother. 

Part of the problem was that Nele was still a puppy herself at just about 7 months old. She did not want to sit still for her pup to nurse. She had a hard time being gentle with him, often stepping on him or knocking him over. It became clear that the pair would need 24 hour monitoring to help the puppy survive and teach Nele how to be a good mom. 

Our kennel staff took shifts during the day watching over Nele and her pup. Our kennel supervisor, Edgar Santiago, and his family offered invaluable support as they took on the challenge of the overnight shifts. Slowly, Nele began to nurse her puppy on her own. She would also stay still long enough for him to nap close to her. After a week, Nele and her puppy could finally be left alone for a few hours at a time and the staff began to breathe a little easier. 

Now almost 3 months old, Nele’s puppy, named Berry, is thriving. And, incredibly, both Nele and Berry have already found adopters. Berry just needs to grow up a little bit more before they both can go home. Seeing him romp around with his mom and chase after toys warms the hearts of all those that saved him. Without the help of our staff, and Edgar’s family, Berry might not have made it this far.

Berry and Nele also owe their lives to all of you. Every animal we save at Living Free directly benefits from the compassion and love we receive from people all over the country. This year, more than ever, we are so grateful to all of you for the support given. Thank you for your ongoing confidence in us.

UPDATE: Nele and Berry have been adopted!

Nele has been adopted by a wonderful woman named Barbara, who has renamed her Gigi and shared, “I am really enjoying her. She is a love bug!”

Berry (now known as Walter) was adopted by Dena, Barbara’s daughter, who remarked, “We’ve decided to name him Walter! He’s such a sweet and loving pup. He’s adjusting very well and we’re so happy he’s finally home with us! Thank you for everything. We appreciate all that you do at Living Free.”

Barbara and Dena both live in San Diego and see each other every week. Nele and Berry will be able to play and spend time together often. We could not be happier for this special set of mom and pup. Congrats to Nele, Berry, Barbara, and The Torres Family! We wish you all happy and healthy lives together.