Meet Evangeline! “Eva” is our newest herd member here at War Horse Creek. She is a 9 year old mustang, from the Devil’s Garden HMA. Eva was donated to our program by one of our staff members, Sophia. Eva is very well-trained in ground work, round pen work, and under saddle. We’re very excited to have her as part of our team!

Evangeline was gathered from the wild in 2018. She spent two years in the Bureau of Land Management holding pens. In 2020 she was randomly selected to participate in the Extreme Mustang Makeover Los Angeles competition. This competition was created by The Mustang Heritage Foundation to showcase the trainability and versatility of a wild mustang. Trainers are given 100 days to prepare a wild mustang for a series of classes to show off the mustang’s skills. At the end of the competition, all the horses are available for adoption through an auction. All proceeds go towards the Mustang Heritage Foundation to continue to help wild mustangs. 

Eva was gentled and trained by a talented mustang trainer named Luke Castro. She is a naturally intelligent and curious horse, so she excelled under Luke’s guidance. Together, Eva and Luke won 2 of their classes and overall won third place. At the end of the competition, Eva was bought by our marketing coordinator, Sophia. 

Eva spent over 2 years living on Sophia’s home ranch where she learned some basic liberty skills and improved her ground work. Sophia also taught Eva some basic dressage skills and they went on many trail rides together. However, due to some major life changes, Sophia had to find somewhere new for Eva to live and knew that Eva would make an incredible member of the War Horse Creek herd.

Eva has settled into the stables at War Horse Creek and already has made a few friends. She gets along great with our three other mustangs, Libby, Hawkeye, and Trapper. Our staff has already been working with her too and have said that everyone adores Eva – she is sweet, gentle, and very curious. 

We look forward to having Eva participate with Veterans in our upcoming workshops!